// lines that begin with // are comments and will be ignored by the extension // lines that are just carriage returns will be ignored as well // file should be in the format // : // [:] // [:] // : // where cond is a condition and regexp is a regular expression // action is the action to perform and parameter is a possible parameter that can be used in the action // if the regular expression could produce two substring matches, the second will fill in %r in the fileto path> // conditions can be *one or more* of // from: // to: // subject: // account: // actions can be *ONE* of .. // fileto: will save the message to the specified folder // detachatts: will detach attachments to the specified folder, leaving a block of text in their place // delatts: will delete all attachments, leaving a block of text in their place // zapatts: will zap all attachments, leaving nothing it their place // saveatts: will ONLY autosave the attachments to the specified folder // if is specified as 'default' (without the ' marks) or is blank, then the default folder will be used // this will take messages that are from jim@anyplace.com AND whose subject has the string '#' in it // messages which match these conditions will be filed in c:\docs\jim\XXXXX\.eml // where XXXXX are the characters that follow the # in the subject line subject:(#)([^ ]*) from:jim@anyplace.com fileto:c:\docs\jim\%r\ // this will detach all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test6@s // the attachments will be saved in the c:\Desktop\test\test2\ folder from:test6@s detachatts:c:\Desktop\test\test2\ // this will delete all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test5@s // the attachments will be saved to the default path set in AttachmentTools from:test5@s delatts: // this will zap ( leave no trace of ) all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test4@s // the attachments will be saved to the default path set in AttachmentTools from:test4@s zapatts: // this will zap ( leave no trace of ) all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test4@s // the attachments will be saved in the c:\Desktop\test\test1\ folder from:test4@s zapatts:C:\Desktop\test\test1\ // this will save all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test2@s // the message will NOT be modified // the attachments will be saved to the default path set in AttachmentTools from:test2@s saveatts: // this will save all attachments from messages whose from address contains the string test1@s // the message will NOT be modified // the attachments will be saved in the c:\Desktop\test\test3\ folder from:test1@s saveatts:c:\Desktop\test\test3\ // messages whose from address contain the string anyplace.com will be filed to c:\docs\anyplace\ from:anyplace.com fileto:c:\docs\anyplace\ // messages whose from address contain the string mozillazine.org will be filed to c:\null\ // ( which does not exist and therefore, the save will fail quietly ) from:mozillazine.org fileto:c:\null\ // messages whose from subject contain the string s456 project will be filed to c:\docs\s456\ subject:s456 project fileto:c:\docs\s456\ // messages whose from address contain the string [Project_owners] will be filed to c:\null\ // ( which does not exist and therefore, the save will fail quietly ) subject:[Project_owners] fileto:c:\null\